Les conditions d'utilisation, de vente et de garanties décrites ci-dessous peuvent être modifiées ou complétées à tout moment. Nous invitons donc les utilisateurs du site http://www.lebenmodels.com à les consulter régulièrement. La confirmation de toute commande entraîne l'acceptation sans réserve des présentes conditions de vente, la reconnaissance d’en avoir parfaite connaissance et la renonciation à se prévaloir de ses propres conditions d’achat ou d’autres conditions.
The products are delivered to the shipping address you provide us during the ordering process. I can not be held responsible for a write error.
Outside France the shipping method is the international priority package. The most economical offer without tracking number.
Shipping costs are offered from 130.00 € of purchase for France and Europe. Below, they will be automatically calculated based on the total amount of your purchases.
Below the amount of Shipping according to the destination and the purchase price:
France area : delivery after shipping: 48H
0.00 à 60.00€ = 7.00€
61.00 à 130.00€ = 9.00€
>130.00€ = offert
DOM area: delivery after shipping: 5 days to 15 days
0.00 à 130.00€ = 10.50€
>130.00€ = offert
Europe area: delivery after shipping: 7 days to 15 days
0.00 à 60.00€ = 7.50€
61.00 à 220.00€ = 12.50€
>220.00€ = offert
World area : delivery after shipping: 10 days to 50 days
0.00 à 60.00€ = 9.00€
>61.00 = 15.00€
Despite the care that I bring to product control, there may be one or more elements are faulty. Contact me with the form at the footer of your order history to validate a process of replacement or partial refund.
No returns will be possible! The figurines Leben Models are products for collectors and connoisseurs. The description of the models is unequivocal and possible misunderstandings.